Gus on the Go: German for kids

Our native German speaker will teach you how to properly pronounce German vocabulary words in the following categories:
- animals
- food
- transportation
- clothes
- numbers
- colors
- parts of the body
- shapes

“I carry my iPad with me to Kindergarten, and let the kids play with Gus when they complete their tasks. They love it – they consider it a reward and look forward to it (and they learn the language fast!).
Gus on the Go is a well structured program, captivating and a great as a learning tool. I also found it very useful for older, special-need kids.”
“Gus on the Go is a great educational app that helps children learn German. Learning German has never been so fun! With many different types of word banks from animals to foods and several different game types and practice modes, Gus will definitely keep you going! If you’re trying to get your kids learning German, this is surely a great game they’ll realize is pumping them with bilingual goodness.”