Jul 11, 2012 | iPad App, Language Learning App
¿Quieres hablar español? Gus does too! Gus is now on his way to México and needs to learn some Spanish vocabulary for his trip. Gus is on the go, so come along and explore the Spanish language! Stay tuned while we patiently wait for approval from the powers that...
Jul 3, 2012 | iPad App, Language Learning App
Gus on the Go English is now out of Beta and officially submitted to Apple for review! It’s a huge milestone for the team and we couldn’t be more elated to have reached this point with our first language learning app. Stay tuned to find out when Gus on the...
Apr 18, 2012 | iPad App, iPhone App, Language Learning App
Welcome to the official toojuice blog! We’ve been very busy finishing up our first language learning app for kids, Gus on the Go! Gus is a curious world travelling owl, eager to learn new languages. Say ‘Hi’ to...