Gus on the Go: Cantonese for kids

Gus on the Go: Cantonese for kids, iOS & Android language apps

Gus is excited to head to Hong Kong where Cantonese is the primary spoken language. Tackling this tonal language is a cinch with our native Cantonese speaker. Find out how to properly pronounce vocabulary words in the following categories:

  • animals
  • food
  • transportation
  • clothes
  • numbers
  • colors
  • parts of the body
  • shapes
Gus on the Go: Cantonese for kids, iOS & Android language apps

Gus on the Go: Cantonese offers a comprehensive way of learning nearly 90 vocabulary words through interactive lessons and fun vocabulary games unlocked by completing engaging lesson reviews. Now available on the App Store!

Gus on the Go: Cantonese uses traditional Chinese characters and Hong Kong phrasing.

Explore more of the Spanish and French language with Stories by Gus on the Go! Dive into classic stories with a silly twist. Make all of your favorite characters move- in French and Spanish!



"Stories by Gus on the Go hits the right note for pacing, content, and interactivity for kids learning Spanish. It uses short, familiar stories to teach children beginning Spanish words and phrases."


-Melissa Taylor at

"Baby G absolutely loves this app and so do I. It’s interactive, educational, intuitive AND addictive."

-Bee Yinn Low, Mom Blogger at


I am 6 years old. I love this game! It is awesome! (-K.S.) Very nicely presented. It’s fun, well paced, and well thought out for independent learning. I love that as levels progress, it mixes and matches previously learned vocabulary. It corrects wrong answers. Very addictive. At first play, my daughter wouldn’t stop playing and learning for almost an hour! I hope they continue to make advancing levels to break into short phrases. Or verbs! Great job! -Mom


I’m working with my 4 year old on our Chinese. I’m an ABC and picking up a language is hard. This app makes it fun. We play the games standing in our weekend Trader Joe’s line, and pick up vocab here and there. I recommend and am looking for similar.


“This app is pretty awesome. The speaker is very clear. The activities are fun. Graphics are vibrant. My 4-yr old daughter was actually interested in learning our language.”

boo boo who